AI / ChatGPT, Higher Education, India, international, logbuch, quality management, teaching, university

(Un)common Grounds for Higher Education

Our workshop at the UFFestival brought together higher education experts from six non-European countries to share their views and experiences on improving the quality and access of higher education. The discussions covered topics such as didactic innovations, racism, inequality, and hybrid teaching methods that ensure access in times of crisis.

India, logbuch

India: Unemployment rate of educated youth growth

The ‘India Employment Report 2024,’ issued by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Institute of Human Development (IHD), is the latest publication on the employment situation in India with a focus on youths and women. According to the report, there is an increase in the employment rate, but the prospects for well-educated young individuals remain bleak.

Higher Education, India, quality management

India’s higher education accreditation system. Restructuring in Turbulent Times.

The Indian higher education landscape is changing very dynamically. Within the framework of the “National Education Policy 2020” (NEP), reforms are being launched that are reminiscent of the European Bologna reform. The goals are ambitious and it shows again and again how challenging the tasks set are. An example is the system of accreditation.

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